Parent-Teacher Association
Harrison College PTA
The Harrison College PTA is run by volunteer parents/guardians and teachers with the aim of working alongside the Principal, Staff and Board of Management to provide an environment which is conducive to the students’ development.
We encourage all members to become actively involved in the PTA and welcome you joining any of the PTA's sub-committees listed below. You can volunteer by clicking on the icon on the right or by sending an email to pta@harrisoncollegepta.org.
Without your input we cannot successfully achieve our objectives.
We need YOU! Please volunteer today.

The PTA assists in providing facilities and educational items to the school through a number of fundraising activities organised by the Fundraising Sub-committee.
Is the environment your passion or your profession? Then join this sub-committee! Facilitating recycling; building a greenhouse; installing solar panels and beautifying with plants are some of the activities we will be giving our attention to.
Infrastructural Projects
This active sub-committee has overseen works around the school e.g. Paving the car parking space beside the staff room. If your expertise is in construction or maintenance then we need you here.
Help us plan welcoming, social and farewell events for the current and prospective students, teachers and parents by volunteering with this sub-committee.
Membership/Public Relations
Are you skilled in website/graphic design, photography or videography? Are you an experienced Social Media (FB or IG) guru? Have you ever produced newsletters or written press releases? Show us your work and join this sub-committee.